Friday, October 31, 2008

The Stanford College

Studies have shown that growing brains are smarter than fixed brains. The very impressive Dr. Carol Dweck administered a study in which two sets of students were given a "study work shop." One of the sets were taught that their mind was like a muscle and would get stronger if they used it. The other was never taught this.

Over all, the group that was taught the brain growth approach actually did better at the end of the year then the group that was not taught this. Without the teachers knowing who they could actually pick out the students who they thought were the ones taught their brain was a muscle. There obviously was a difference.

There is the active classroom and the passive classroom. I hope I can become an active classroom teacher and teach my students that if you study and try your best and "use your brain a growing muscle" you will see improvement. I will not just assign reading or busy work. I will make sure the students are involved in the lessons!

1 comment:

Allison said...

i agree that the brain can get stronger. we as future teachers need to use this as well and educate ourselves on the latest technology so we can help our students. technology will be even more apart of their lives than it is in our own.